
NEW CHANNEL: #fulcro
pedroteixeira 2017-06-03T16:29:58.275509Z

I strugled with figwheel not hot reloading using the untangled template project.clj -- figwheel would not required the changed files for some reason. The only way I managed to get it work was to change cljsbuild to :compiler {:main my.ns.main instead of user.cljs (i.e. I tried a few combinations of dependencies versions before that)

pedroteixeira 2017-06-03T19:36:31.917808Z

hm.. I think only got reload to work because it was calling 'om/add-root!' on every reload. Trying to understand why the strategy to update react-key was not enough 😕 even with om/force-root-render! or remove-root! and add-root! from repl does not make Om to render again.. perhaps a figwheel issue. Hot reloading seems to work only if I use def ... to create the Om.Next app on the main cljs build file, if I use defonce then it does not reflect any new component render code.