OK, the template is updated for the combo lib: https://github.com/awkay/untangled-template
I’m going to continue working on it some more and add in some of the bootstrap helpers, sessions, a few routes, and maybe HTML5 routing
oh, and a couple of the client tests are failing, but that is known..just didn’ get to them yet
@currentoor On UUIDs instead of tempids: I did think of something that loses: generality. The forms support, for example, only sends deltas. It uses tempids (the type) on the entities to figure out which ones are “new”. The assumption in Untangled is that non-persisted entities have tempids, so using your own UUID scheme might lose some functionality.
that said, the tempids contain a UUID, so you could remap from a tempid with that UUID to just that UUID 🙂
@claudiu OK, template ready
I have not tested: - Deployment to heroku - Generation of the uberjar, or running it from it - I have not added how to run the server tests from a browser to the README (but it works) Full HTML5 routing, logins, session support, and “remembered desired page” after login all implemented.
@tony.kay wow, thank you 🙂
Just fixed README for server tests
Make sure you run it from it’s own server so that login has something to talk to. I just remembered I have not tested the “unhappy paths” either. If the server is down, I don’t know what the UI will do.
It has a fallback, but I didn’t try it. I also didn’t try a failed login. But I need to quit for now 🙂
Oky. Will test and see how it goes. 🙂 Thank you so much for taking the time to update the template.
sure. I wanted to get to it. I’m glad I did. This is a much better showpiece than before. I’ll touch it up some more soon and make it prettier with perhaps a bit more functionality (like new user working)
along with more of the bootstrap helpers
awesome. Don't know about other devs. For me the simplest way to get started and learn something new is to play around with a working app. A side-effect of doing this is when learning react/redux what that I also picked up some good patterns that colleagues that just read the docs seemed to have missed.
So, everyone, I’m intentionally not taking a job at the current time, and I’m spending a lot of my coding time on Untangled. I’m hoping that those of you that like Untangled might help support my efforts. Anything helps. I’ve started a Patreon account at https://www.patreon.com/untangledfw. If you use Untangled at work, you might see if your company would be interested in sponsoring the continued work. Thanks!
awesome 🙂 untangled is really awesome. Quite excited about how much better it can get with you working fulltime 🙂
Heroku deploy worked: https://untangled-template.herokuapp.com/
(with some minor tweaks) Login is: <mailto:tony@nowhere.com|tony@nowhere.com> or <mailto:joe@nowhere.com|joe@nowhere.com> Password is letmein
So, uberjar and heroku now tested as well.
We just upgraded to the new untangled, awesome stuff @tony.kay
any problems?
We had some dependency problems but nothing to worry about
Guava is always fun...
And we moved completely to untangled/om-css
Really loving how not magic it is
And just printing a style tag is insanely powerfull for SSR
Yeah, the improvements that @timovanderkamp made are pretty nice there. I should add that to the template
Just tested template’s “unhappy path” on server being down. That worked.
The unhappy path of bad credentials works ok…it should give better feedback
@tony.kay do you mind if i update template to use the modular server stuff? or was there a reason you didnt?
@adambros Hm. I didn’t because the easy server stuff was …well, easy 😉
you could add another ns that does it, then it would demo both
how would you switch between? and which would be the default?
I’d leave easy the default. I don’t know: -Dmodular
or maybe switch namespaces at the REPL
then it could have its own go, reset, etc.
so i get the easy server is easy 😑, but shouldnt we be pushing towards the modular way anyway?
the old handler hook stuff makes me cringe
You are probably right. It isn’t as pretty, for sure.
Could you make it in a new ns, and then we can compare?
Don't know how much work it is to maintain. A javascript template project that I liked went with feature/X
branches derived from master. https://github.com/kriasoft/react-starter-kit ex: feature/redux, feature/apollo, etc.. 🙂
at the moment, trying to keep maintenance to a minimum, so I don’t want to fork off too many things 🙂
in untangled template is it expected behaviour to have [untangled-template.server:55] - Read session for key 1499201867886
printed multiple times on refresh (on dev & jar) ?
possibly not
I don’t know how much the wrap-session stuff accesses the store
you can remove those message loggings. I have already done so on my version that Im improving
ok 🙂