Anyone have an idea how to debug ALE not doing anything? I tried to set it up with kondo, but all of the commands just seem to be no ops
@tomi.hukkalainen_slac Did you already look at the vim docs in the clj-kondo repo?
That's where I started
I'll try making kondo run without editor integration first for this project, and see if that makes a difference
flycheck (emacs) has some diagnosis commands like flycheck-verify-setup
, maybe ale
has something similar. Good luck, I don't use vim myself so I hope someone else can help you in here
Well, kondo is running fine on the project, someone else had actually created the cache dir and config already. Still nothing on ALE side 😕
Or hmm, perhaps it can't do more than lint with condo
Ok, so it is working for linting, but nothing else is. I was hoping to have integrated reference list 😞
And now found the relevant issues about this
Seems like what I want is clojure-lsp and LanguageClient-neovim
@tomi.hukkalainen_slac fwiw there is an LSP server for clj-kondo as well
not sure what you mean with integrated reference list