
For discussion on all things (neo)vim.
Chase 2020-01-24T00:56:21.025100Z

I'm embarrassed because I didn't really know (or remember?) about s until today. Now I never want to give it up either.

dominicm 2020-01-24T11:51:46.026100Z

I don't surround too much, so I have it bound to <leader>s... Not that much of a hassle really


Hi folks. I’ve found with my Neovim setup I can’t properly indent a large form. After 100 lines the indentation resets back to column 1. It’s not a problem for normal Clojure code but I have some big data structures and integration tests that I don’t really want to split up. Any advice here?

dominicm 2020-01-24T18:26:23.028700Z

There's a clojure max lines variable somewhere

dominicm 2020-01-24T18:26:38.029300Z

I forget the name, but :helpgrep should find it


Found it! g:clojure_maxlines. Thanks so much.

Olical 2020-01-26T10:29:59.032200Z

I didn't realise this was a thing! Thanks @dominicm


I might have found it sooner if it didn’t have such an obscure name 😀
