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mjw 2020-02-26T02:12:12.004400Z

For those using vim-iced with a deps.edn project, are you able to use the clojure.repl functions? If I start iced repl on a lein project, then functions like doc are available, but the same is not true of a deps.edn project.


@matt.wistrand Currently, you need to evaluate (require '[clojure.repl :refer :all]) after running iced repl for Clojure CLI project. But you can refer docstrings from vim: Could you tell me what cases do you want to use clojure.repl functions on iced repl?

👍 1
mjw 2020-02-26T14:18:39.006200Z

I mostly just use doc ¯\(ツ)

👍 1