
For discussion on all things (neo)vim.

Why should I move from vim 8 to neovim ?


Thinking of trying it out .

dominicm 2020-03-06T16:42:43.040800Z

If you aren't going to install plugins, not a lot of reason

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rafaeldelboni 2020-03-06T16:49:20.041600Z

coc.nvim was a good reason for me (even working with vim 8, it was so much better on nvim)

dave 2020-03-06T16:51:18.042600Z

when neovim first came out, it provided things that vim didn't have. then vim implemented those same things, so i'm not sure i would recommend one over the other at this point

dave 2020-03-06T16:51:41.043200Z

unless, like dominic said, there happens to be a plugin that you want to use and it's specifically for neovim

dominicm 2020-03-06T16:58:45.044Z

(I know zyxman irl, he doesn't use plugins. He's weird, but we love him anyway)

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hugo 2020-03-06T17:01:15.044200Z

Not even the built in ones?

dominicm 2020-03-06T17:04:29.045200Z

Those are a yes. And a couple, fireplace for example. But not many. He won't use anything that isn't built in, mostly.

dave 2020-03-06T17:07:23.045800Z

i can't think of something that neovim can do that vim can't (aside from running plugins that only work on neovim)

dominicm 2020-03-06T17:31:10.046100Z

You can run a terminal in a floating window


I'm gonna try and use some plugins this time around 😁

Mark Marsella 2020-03-06T21:44:01.048100Z

Hi folks, Im trying to use conjure, but its giving me "Conjure not compiled, please run bin/compile" message when I open a Clojure project file. How do I run this?

dharrigan 2020-03-06T21:45:00.048600Z

How are you installing it? btw, there's a #conjure channel that might be more help.

Mark Marsella 2020-03-06T21:45:48.048800Z

I used Vundle

Mark Marsella 2020-03-06T21:46:05.049100Z

Will try #conjure, thanks

thiru 2020-03-06T23:15:38.049800Z

I use neovim's terminal emulator pretty much every day. I'm not sure if vim has that..