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Darrell 2020-03-23T22:35:43.093200Z

I have a Re-Frame project that I’m working on with shadow-cljs. When I start everything with clj -A:shadow-cljs watch main it says, shadow-cljs - nREPL server started on port 3667. Then I edit a source file and do :Connect and provide port 3667. However, when I, for example, do cpp on a function it get Fireplace: no default ClojureScript REPL . What am I doing wrong?


@darrell I think this is what you want? or something nearby in the docs


or this? and a new kbd binding that uses it instead of CljEval maybe...

dpsutton 2020-03-23T23:16:30.096Z

Shadow run from clj requires its middleware put into the nrepl server. Are you doing that?

Darrell 2020-03-23T23:37:56.096300Z

@noisesmith I think the second worked. Thanks!