Not to start a religious war, but can anyone recommend a good dark theme - preference for blue tinged keywords and such. Currently using vim-horizon (with a few tweaks) but my longest strech (6 years) was with jellybeans - I just feel like trying something else...
@nirrub I've always used murphy
@nirrub I quite like apprentice
for what you describe.
Also, I'm red/green blind if it makes a difference 😞
I like desert-256 for dark highlighting, but it does green for most builtins, yellow for keywords, pink for strings
and red for ns/defn
You might find that tempus themes are good for you as they follow accessibility guidelines.
there's a bunch of sites out there with collections that have screenshots. here's one:
unless you can find a list that are r/g blindness-friendly, you'll probably just have to look at lots until you find one you like that has good colours.
I'd recommend the one I use (distinguished), but it could hardly be worse for r/g blindness. a former colleague found it very hard to read.
I use palenight, works well
Thanks guys - I'll have a look!
i made this, in which you could just change the splash-color to whatever blue you feel like