
For discussion on all things (neo)vim.
Tim Smart 2020-05-01T04:31:38.061900Z

Works great, thanks for the tip.

dharrigan 2020-05-01T09:28:47.062700Z

Does VIM (neovim) have a plugin that can pop-up the meaning of a word when in spell-check mode?

dharrigan 2020-05-01T09:28:55.062900Z

i.e., dictionary definition.


OT but indulging because I think wordnet is amazing


wn is a graph database dictionary, that has a data structure describing the relationships between words!


(it also has word definitions)


with the wordnet browser, you can do a structured traversal - look for words with similar but less specific / more specific meaning


or siblings - words that specialize the same more general parent


super useful when coming up with variable names!


@dharrigan ^

dominicm 2020-05-01T15:34:06.065900Z

Ooh, that's more useful than I expected

dominicm 2020-05-01T15:35:03.066400Z

As it's friday, I'll share some joy of vim. I've just made a bunch of changes to the codebase automatically and I want to: A) Give a manual check B) Do a bit of reformatting for multi-line maps I've messed with. :Git difftool master..HEAD and then use ]q and [q to flick through the quickfix list and then :Gedit to tweak!


yeah - for many tickets at work, I do my initial work in regular nvim, and once I think I'm ready for code review, I stop using nvim directly, and do all my editing via git difftool cycled with interactive history rebasing (to make sure my PR is minimal and every commit does one specific reviewable thing)

dominicm 2020-05-01T15:41:54.068200Z

This was perhaps weird that I didn't want to see the diff, just to jump to where the changes happened. I also needed to make modifications (so the /tmp/ file is not useful)

nate 2020-05-01T17:15:48.068400Z

hm, I'm a bit confused by this, what gets into the quickfix list, each commit?

nate 2020-05-01T17:18:58.068600Z

my diff.tool is set to neovim, so that may be throwing me off

dominicm 2020-05-01T17:34:49.068800Z

Each hunk in each commit

dominicm 2020-05-01T17:35:16.069Z

So I'm taken to every line I've changed pretty much

nate 2020-05-01T17:46:05.069200Z

I'll have to see what about my config prevents this from working for me

nate 2020-05-01T17:46:27.069400Z

when I run :Git difftool ... I get a bunch of terminal garbage because it tries to run neovim