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Hi, anyone having success making vim and shadow-cljs talk ?

Aron 2020-06-04T10:56:36.140200Z

I use neovim, I can eval stuff and it shows up in the browser in my shadow-cljs build. I use conjure for this.


socket repl of conjure is working with shadow-cljs ?

dharrigan 2020-06-04T11:04:21.141600Z

yes. conjure and shadow-cljs works


@dharrigan very nice

dharrigan 2020-06-04T11:04:50.142100Z


Olical 2020-06-04T11:48:51.143500Z

Conjure's latest version is over shadow-cljs's nREPL connection since you get all sorts of neat stuff out of the box. (completion if you add the cider middleware too!) I may well add socket / prepl support as an alternative client you can switch to some day, but for now Conjure is nREPL only. Just to clarify the socket REPL comment from @geraldodev 🙂

Olical 2020-06-04T11:49:57.144300Z

Process is: Start shadow-cljs, open a CLJS file in Neovim, run :ConjureShadowSelect [app name] and start evaluating.


completion with cljs in vim is a dream I've stopped dreaming a long ago. Don't tease me 🙂 Gotta try.

martinklepsch 2020-06-04T12:21:04.145900Z

How do I configure Vim so that in Clojure buffers it regards slashes as word separators? Am I weird for wanting this? 😄

dominicm 2020-06-04T12:27:34.146Z

@martinklepsch :h 'iskeyword'

dominicm 2020-06-04T12:27:59.146100Z

For me, / iskeyword in clojure buffers.