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@olical what is necessary to autocomplete to work ? I invoke nreply behind reply, it connects to clojure through .nrepl-port but autocomple is not automatically happening. I have ale installed, I've issued :CocInstall prettier

Olical 2020-06-07T14:31:48.148Z

In ClojureScript + shadow-cljs? Or Clojure on the JVM?



Olical 2020-06-07T14:32:54.148700Z

Oh! So can you get completions with <c-x><c-o>?



Olical 2020-06-07T14:33:06.149100Z

And do you have the CIDER middleware installed?

Olical 2020-06-07T14:33:48.149300Z this shows how to add CIDER middleware to your nREPL. I'll hopefully be able to provide simpler completions without it in future versions of nREPL πŸ™‚

Olical 2020-06-07T14:34:37.149500Z

Then if you want autocompletion you either need CoC + or deoplete which works automatically.

Olical 2020-06-07T14:35:46.149800Z

Or with asyncomplete.


I think i have cider because fireplace depends on it, but I might be wrong. I'm bringing reply.main as repl


One curiosity if you may. Why vim-iced depends on vim-sexp and conjure does not ? Do you know ? I'm using paredit since ages. Do you use either of those ?

Olical 2020-06-07T14:39:38.150500Z

I use vim-sexp, I reaaaaaly like it

Olical 2020-06-07T14:39:50.150700Z

I didn't want Conjure to be tied to a paren manipulation tool in any way

Olical 2020-06-07T14:39:55.150900Z

So I wrote a bunch of code to find forms for you

Olical 2020-06-07T14:40:09.151100Z

Which I will be able to improve and shrink when tree-sitter lands in Neovim's stable releases.

Olical 2020-06-07T14:40:40.151300Z

I would imagine iced is relying on sexp's text objects to select forms which is perfectly understandable. Extracting forms from a buffer is a nightmare πŸ˜„

Olical 2020-06-07T14:41:24.151500Z

Relevant code in Conjure that does this:

Olical 2020-06-07T14:42:16.151800Z

But yeah, if you can't get completions with <c-x><c-o> (built in omnicompletion) you probably don't have the cider middleware installed.

Olical 2020-06-07T14:42:41.152Z

I don't inject it automatically right now because I'm trying to be as careful as possible with your process. You might not want CIDER for some reason.

Olical 2020-06-07T14:43:01.152200Z

(also not sure how I'd auto inject it properly, I think it requires a future version of nREPL)


Thank you for the valuable information.

Olical 2020-06-07T14:56:24.152600Z

You're welcome! If you definitely have CIDER set up though and completion still isn't working do let me know.

Olical 2020-06-07T14:56:34.152800Z

I'm very confident it'll work fine once you have the middleware installed.


@olical I was missing cider. Now Ctrl x o is opening completion. Is there a way to make it automatic ?

Olical 2020-06-07T15:11:51.154700Z

Yay! You need either coc + coc-conjure, Deoplete or asyncomplete and the conjure plugin for thatt

Olical 2020-06-07T15:12:11.154900Z

It's in the help text under autocomplete ☺️


Yay , I said when I saw that conjure is written in lisp like language that generates lua.

Olical 2020-06-07T15:17:48.155300Z

Yep :D I write all of my plugins in lisp that I compile to Lua now


And the ConjureSchool script. So nice

Olical 2020-06-07T15:19:05.155700Z



I've disabled coc suggestion in the past to avoid conflicting with fireplace and forgot about that


Is it possible to open the buffer certain way when opening clojure files ?

Olical 2020-06-08T08:18:40.158300Z

hmm, I suppose you could use an autocmd on filetype of Clojure to press ,ls?

Olical 2020-06-08T08:18:46.158500Z

It's not perfect, but it's a start

Olical 2020-06-08T08:19:04.158700Z

The HUD won't appear if the bottom of the log buffer is visible.

Olical 2020-06-07T22:04:16.157600Z

Do you mean the log buffer?




I've noticed that I like the bottom one and it would be nice it to be opened by default. I have some default actions to clojure file type I'm wondering if I could show the buffer there.