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dominicm 2020-07-08T12:19:41.373900Z

:colder is amazing. I can grep while I'm grepping then return to my grepping.

❤️ 3
walterl 2020-07-08T12:33:26.374100Z

omg thanks for that! I've been struggling with mentally keeping track of my grep-ception stack.

walterl 2020-07-08T12:34:43.374400Z

I usually end up keeping my "main" activity in quickfix, and performing "sub-greps" in a different terminal.

nate 2020-07-08T14:58:21.375Z

Wow. TIL.

nate 2020-07-08T15:00:19.376800Z

I do wish there was a clojure-aware grep, like for finding uses of keywords, namespaces, functions, etc.

nate 2020-07-08T15:00:52.378Z

Some of that may be possible with cider, but having a cli tool would compose better in certain situations.


you can set grepprg and surely one of them should be smart enough to parse clojure identifiers


I use ag as mine


@nate sounds almost like you want tags - I have a tags config for clojure


--regex-clojure=/\([ \t]*create-ns[ \t]+(\^:[^\t ]+)*[ \t]*([^0-9:#@][^ \t\[{(]+)/\2/n,namespace/
--regex-clojure=/\([ \t]*defn[ \t]+(\^:[^\t ]+)*[ \t]*([^0-9:#@][^ \t\[{(]+)/\2/f,function/
--regex-clojure=/\([ \t]*defn-[ \t]+(\^:[^\t ]+)*[ \t]*([^0-9:#@][^ \t\[{(]+)/\2/p,private function/
--regex-clojure=/\([ \t]*defmacro[ \t]+(\^:[^\t ]+)*[ \t]*([^0-9:#@][^ \t\[{(]+)/\2/m,macro/
--regex-clojure=/\([ \t]*definline[ \t]+(\^:[^\t ]+)*[ \t]*([^0-9:#@][^ \t\[{(]+)/\2/i,inline/
--regex-clojure=/\([ \t]*defmulti[ \t]+(\^:[^\t ]+)*[ \t]*([^0-9:#@][^ \t\[{(]+)/\2/a,multimethod definition/
--regex-clojure=/\([ \t]*defmethod[ \t]+(\^:[^\t ]+)*[ \t]*([^0-9:#@][^ \t\[{(]+)/\2/b,multimethod instance/
--regex-clojure=/\([ \t]*defonce[ \t]+(\^:[^\t ]+)*[ \t]*([^0-9:#@][^ \t\[{(]+)/\2/c,definition (once)/
--regex-clojure=/\([ \t]*defstruct[ \t]+(\^:[^\t ]+)*[ \t]*([^0-9:#@][^ \t\[{(]+)/\2/s,struct/
--regex-clojure=/\([ \t]*deftype[ \t]+(\^:[^\t ]+)*[ \t]*([^0-9:#@][^ \t\[{(]+)/\2/s,struct/
--regex-clojure=/\([ \t]*defrecord[ \t]+(\^:[^\t ]+)*[ \t]*([^0-9:#@][^ \t\[{(]+)/\2/s,struct/
--regex-clojure=/\([ \t]*intern[ \t]+(\^:[^\t ]+)*[ \t]*([^0-9:#@][^ \t\[{(]+)/\2/v,intern/
--regex-clojure=/\([ \t]*ns[ \t]+(\^:[^\t ]+)*[ \t]*([^0-9:#@][^ \t\[{(]+)/\2/n,namespace/
--regex-clojure=/\([ \t]*def[ \t]+(\^:[^\t ]+)*[ \t]*([^0-9:#@][^ \t\[{(]+)/\2/d,definition/


should probably be updated so it also knows about newer features like spec, but ctags runs fast and then creates a db that jumps to the definition or usage of a token


as in, you could run ctags followed by tag jump in the same amount of time most grep runs would take

dharrigan 2020-07-08T15:13:02.379500Z

I use that, coupled with vim-vista to jump around my file 🙂


we should have a community maintained ctags config for clojure, because I'm sure mine could be improved but it's much better than the other ones I've seen

💯 2
dharrigan 2020-07-08T15:13:55.380Z

That is a great idea


and who knows how many people have tried to duplicate that same config...

➕ 1

for starters all those usages of [ \t]* which should surely be "whitespace*"

dharrigan 2020-07-08T15:15:22.380600Z

Which ctags do you use?

dharrigan 2020-07-08T15:16:09.380800Z

I use Exuberant Ctags 5.8, Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Darren Hiebert which has Clojure built-in as a parser


oh, maybe I should try that one, I haven't tried new versions in a while

dharrigan 2020-07-08T15:17:13.381200Z

It's probably not as complete as your defs


oh yeah, that doesn't know about def, defmulti, defprotocol...


unless there's an implicit "all things starting with def" rule, but then why have a rule for "defn"


but who knows, I'm rusty at reading C

nate 2020-07-08T15:33:53.383600Z

@noisesmith thanks for the tip. I used to use ctags all the time when I was a perl/python/go programmer. I'll try it out again.


I am sure you have something similar but I use this script usually


# intended usage is the extended ctags, not eg. the OSX default, using the
# custom ctags regexes I set up for clojure

find . -name '*.clj' | xargs ctags
after that, C-] over a symbol takes me to a def (usually), and C-o takes me back again (standard vim commands of course)


I wonder if C-] can be configured to be smart about namespace aliases...


I guess clojure mode could rebind C-] to be smart about removing the ns prefix at the very least, if not smart about picking the target based on that prefix...

walterl 2020-07-08T16:10:05.384500Z

> Gutentags is a plugin that takes care of the much needed management of tags files in Vim. It will (re)generate tag files as you work while staying completely out of your way.

➕ 1
walterl 2020-07-08T16:12:04.384900Z

Also super useful: vim-fzf has :Tags (Tags in the project (`ctags -R`)) and :BTags (Tags in the current buffer) commands


yeah, fzf is great (and a great back-end for defining new commands that sort through lists of things in general)

dominicm 2020-07-08T16:39:32.386200Z

@nate a fun project might be to use the kondo analyzer to write the grep tool you mentioned.

nate 2020-07-08T16:39:58.386400Z


nate 2020-07-08T16:40:23.386600Z

or maybe the parcera babashka pod

nate 2020-07-08T16:40:34.386800Z

seems like that might be more amenable to searching

dominicm 2020-07-08T16:41:12.387Z

Parcera doesn't necessarily have details like namespace aliases that are in play.


oooh - a babashka based tag generator for clojure :D


(plus a binding of C-] that knows about ns / ns-alias...)

dominicm 2020-07-08T16:41:56.387600Z

@noisesmith can tags be used to find where a keyword is used?

dominicm 2020-07-08T16:42:29.387800Z

Maybe I'm thinking the wrong thing, buut, I'm thinking of finding uses of ::user/foo

dominicm 2020-07-08T16:42:42.388Z

By searching for :

dominicm 2020-07-08T16:42:51.388200Z

Or I guess vice versa too


tags allow types of references, I know there's separate definitions for "def" "macro" "function" etc. - I bet there's one that fits for keywords


but that logic would need to be split between the tag generator (make it expand to the full ns) and the tag lookup (use file specific alias)


but I like tags because they exist already, they have extensive infrastructure in the editor, and they carry many semantic distinctions that other kinds of search can't distinguish


even def vs. usage is a huge win

dominicm 2020-07-08T16:45:52.389200Z

Existing things are good. That's why I proposed grep as a format to copy.

dominicm 2020-07-08T16:46:08.389400Z

I can wire it into vim-grepper and be cooking

nate 2020-07-08T16:46:23.389600Z

keyword finding is nuanced because you can destructure in multiple ways and use namespace aliases that are all missed by grep

nate 2020-07-08T16:46:29.389800Z

same with namespace usages

dominicm 2020-07-08T16:47:30.390Z

Yeah, that's why a custom grep is super helpful there. I actually am less interested in var search, because I find that's pretty uniform.

nate 2020-07-08T16:48:36.390200Z


dominicm 2020-07-08T16:53:11.390400Z

You could generate the arguments to grep by referring to an index of namespace aliases...


bonus: make it work with classpath entries (jars, relative paths...)

borkdude 2020-07-08T17:23:25.390800Z

💯 1
dominicm 2020-07-08T18:05:04.391500Z

:help cscope


interesting - how common are cscope compatible analysis tools?

dominicm 2020-07-08T18:11:43.391800Z

No idea

dominicm 2020-07-08T18:11:49.392Z

Maybe we'd create the first

dominicm 2020-07-08T18:39:26.392600Z

dominicm 2020-07-08T18:43:52.393600Z

Just an example of a modern use of cscope dbs. Although perhaps lsp is a better use of time.


there's already an LSP for clojure


but there's direct vim / LSP integration too

dominicm 2020-07-08T18:51:12.394800Z

Yeah, I'm just asking if that's a better avenue I guess