
For discussion on all things (neo)vim.
dominicm 2020-08-11T12:29:02.017700Z

Our @olical is speaking at vimconf. The agenda was just released, congratulations!

🎉 23
defndaines 2020-08-11T14:26:11.018900Z

Is the agenda public? Last thing I see is the cancelation notice for 2020.

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dominicm 2020-08-11T14:51:06.019500Z

I got an email from vimconf

dave 2020-08-11T15:03:44.020200Z

congrats @olical!


this is still the latest on their website, I'd love to hear more

Olical 2020-08-11T16:32:42.021200Z here's the website, the in person one is cancelled and the online one has another domain since it's a different person running it 🙂


oh, that clears it up, thanks

dave 2020-08-11T17:00:38.022Z

ooh, i think i may attend. looks like a fun lineup of speakers/talks

dave 2020-08-11T17:01:05.022200Z

i've been wanting to attend vimconf for a while now, but a ticket to japan has been a hard sell to my employer 😄

dharrigan 2020-08-11T20:32:52.025200Z

You know if you have a form akin to this (-> (foo bar) (baz qux)) and you want to delete the outer form, i.e., the (-> ...) and (possibly) shift (foo bar) (baz qux) to align left, is that doable? btw, the outer form could be anything, like (when (a b) (c d)), so in this case, the (when ...) would be removed, leaving the (a b) (c d) intact.


I use vim-sexp to move the close paren two forms to the left, then d% to remove (->) that remains


there's probably something more elegant

dominicm 2020-08-11T21:10:45.027200Z

<loadleader>@ will delete the outer () then I dae the ->

🎉 1
samoleary 2020-08-11T21:56:13.028800Z

If you visually select the (foo bar) (baz qux) then you can <localleader>o and the selection will take the place of the outer form. I don't have a nifty way of selecting the two inner forms though...

🎉 1
samoleary 2020-08-12T16:10:29.037Z

Thanks, that's closer. The selection also includes -> but I'll be using viF more often now :thumbsup:


there's also aF to include the outer parens, and af to select inner rather than outer form


I like to stick to the action / qualifier / thing combos because they reduce the number of things I need to memorize to do things in few keystrokes

walterl 2020-08-11T22:06:38.030200Z

#TIL <localleader>@ and <localleader>o. (There are too many sexp mappings to remember 😓.) Thanks guys!

walterl 2020-08-11T22:07:50.030800Z

As for selecting forms, I find the WORD motions vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people most comfortable for that

samoleary 2020-08-11T22:20:00.032200Z

Ah yes, looking at those motions v2E<localleader>o with the cursor on the opening bracket of the first form should do it!


try viF


v- visual iF - inner form