
For discussion on all things (neo)vim.

Yeah, that seems to be what I was looking for. Not exactly, because it requires ctrlp and I'm a happy fzf user, but in theory the plugin does what I was asking about. Thank you.

practicalli-john 2020-11-26T17:49:27.207200Z

Are there any recommended approaches to using Vim/NeoVim to edit file on a remote server and connect to a Clojure repl also running on that server (Ubuntu server on AWS) I'm running a virtual pairing session and would like to support Vim users (I have Emacs working already), someone else is working on VSCode users. Do people ssh onto the remote server and start vim/neovim. Or are there vim packages to add to a local Vim/Neovim setup and connect to the remote machine?

Jan K 2020-11-26T18:08:54.209100Z

you can connect to a remote nREPL using :Connect <host>:<port> with vim-fireplace

Jan K 2020-11-26T18:14:17.211100Z

editing remote files can be done with vim <scp://host//path>... or eg. sshfs to mount them locally

orestis 2020-11-26T20:21:10.212400Z

Conjure also supports remote nrepl (I use it all the time, with ssh port forwarding though)

nate 2020-11-26T23:24:07.214400Z

I run neovim remotely, connected to a local (for it) nrepl port. All in tmux so that local machine reboots don't impact my dev context.

nate 2020-11-26T23:25:09.215200Z

It's a really lovely way to work.


fzf is supported by vim-iced now, so you don't need ctrlp! I'll fix this plugin in this weekend.


Oh, awesome. Thanks again!