
For discussion on all things (neo)vim.
salam 2021-01-07T21:43:54.322700Z

i was under the impression that conjure supports socket repl. is it not the case?

Olical 2021-01-08T10:32:56.329600Z

prepl isn't powerful enough for providing good tools, I was reinventing a bad nREPL. I don't have enough time to do that really, I'd rather spend time making things that work well and have good UX for people that need it, so I built in nREPL instead and ended up being able to delete 50% of my code while ending up with something more powerful and stable.

Olical 2021-01-08T10:33:43.329800Z

And it wasn't socket REPL, it was specifically prepl because socket REPL doesn't distinguish between what's a result, stdout or stderr. I will add support for Clojure over prepl in Conjure again one day (probably) but it'll be extremely weak in comparison to what you can do with nREPL.

Olical 2021-01-08T10:34:05.330Z

I spent a good two years trying to be prepl only, I still don't regret giving up.

Olical 2021-01-08T10:34:39.330200Z

I've written maaaany times on my blog and spoken in a few talks about how prepl is good for some simpler things, but for interactive editor tooling with lots of async evaluations, it's just not good enough.

salam 2021-01-08T16:53:31.337900Z

i see. it all makes sense now. thank you very much for all the effort you put into Conjure! as a proud member of Clojurist Together, i hope you’re taking advantage of it and being compensated for your effort and time. πŸ™‚

Olical 2021-01-09T15:07:56.338100Z

I'm a member too πŸ˜„ I'm not benefiting from it right now but that's totally fine, I have my own personal wonderful independent sponsors on GitHub that fuel my coffee habit and Conjure work on the weekends πŸ™‚ Actually I do benefit from CT indirectly from the work on CIDER etc, that helps me out MASSIVELY.

πŸ‘ 1
nate 2021-01-07T22:52:50.322800Z

an earlier version supported prepl, but the latest utilizes nrepl

nate 2021-01-07T22:56:53.324Z

seeing the, I was wondering, is this magic available to us via any of the available vim clojure plugins?

tzzh 2021-01-08T10:21:01.329400Z

it works with coc-nvim I have the following mapping (which I took from coc’s readme I think)

nmap <leader>qf  <Plug>(coc-fix-current)


It also works as a code action in the nvim lsp