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kozmicluis 2021-01-28T00:29:17.016200Z

Hi, does anyone know a good clojure vim lsp? I'm using coc with this additional extension:

Plug 'clojure-vim/async-clj-omni'

kozmicluis 2021-01-28T00:29:48.016900Z

And I find it heavily flawed, it doesn't even suggest my own defined functions

kozmicluis 2021-01-28T00:30:00.017100Z

(yes I'm using Vim Fireplace)

John Oerter 2021-01-28T01:08:48.018200Z

There is #lsp. I haven’t used it but it seems to have a lot of momentum

dave 2021-01-28T01:08:58.018700Z

I use with coc. Works great!