
For discussion on all things (neo)vim.
NoahTheDuke 2021-04-20T14:49:19.054700Z

vim-iced question: how do I set the g:iced_enable_clj_kondo_analysis to {v:true}? what should i put in my .vimrc?

dave 2021-04-20T15:08:41.055600Z

I don't use iced, but this sounds like a general VimL question. The syntax is:

let g:iced_enable_clj_kondo_analysis = v:true

dave 2021-04-20T15:08:55.055800Z

You can put that anywhere in your vimrc.

grazfather 2021-04-20T15:12:35.056200Z

yep, the g: and v: are just part of the name, representing the namespace

NoahTheDuke 2021-04-20T15:13:16.056800Z

thank you. none of the other options in my vimrc use v:true, and the brackets threw me off

dave 2021-04-20T15:15:09.057300Z

I believe 1 is equivalent. I mostly use let g:whatever = 1 in my vimrc.

👍 1
NoahTheDuke 2021-04-20T15:17:07.057600Z

oh that's very good to know

juhoteperi 2021-04-20T15:37:14.058300Z

I think the brackets are just part of vim help format, but not sure what they mean.

juhoteperi 2021-04-20T15:38:54.058900Z

If you check for example :help map, both the command and the docstring use { } to mark the arguments.


I think {foo} is for formatting as code, similar to the backticks in markdown


or rather to "highlight differently" according to helphelp.txt

juhoteperi 2021-04-20T15:46:57.061100Z backticks are also used

juhoteperi 2021-04-20T15:48:27.062Z

v:false and v:true are also help subjects themselves, so maybe it can also refer to that

juhoteperi 2021-04-20T15:49:34.062600Z

Though ctrl-] doesn't jump to e.g. v:true from {v:true}


I think the braces don´t link, but the backticks do


> When referring to a Vim command and to create a hot-link, place the > name between two backticks, eg. inside :filetype. You will see this is > highlighted as a command, like a code block (see below).


but under "Highlighting" in helphelp: > The following are highlighted differently in a Vim help file: > - a special key name expressed either in <> notation as in <PageDown>, or > as a Ctrl character as in CTRL-X > - anything between {braces}, e.g. {lhs} and {rhs}

NoahTheDuke 2021-04-20T18:10:10.064400Z

thanks for input everyone. i've got the setting correct now, but i'm not seeing anything change. should there be any visual changes? nevermind, i just can't read