
For discussion on all things (neo)vim.
NoahTheDuke 2021-05-08T12:24:24.121100Z

Iced question: is it possible to reload all of the tests in a file/namespace? I copied a test file and ran the tests, looking to delete certain ones after they failed (lol don’t ask why), and then after deleting them, rerunning the tests in that namespace continued to highlight the now-deleted failing tests.


you can also destroy the ns with remove-ns - it will be recreated when you reload the file

πŸ‘ 1
NoahTheDuke 2021-05-17T16:46:09.177800Z

oh that's a good idea

Aron 2021-05-08T12:33:55.122600Z

I would love to see people work with their vim clojurescript setup, because although everything is available (plugins, config, keybindings) without seeing the integrated use of the whole, it's hard to climb the learning curve

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emak 2021-05-10T17:50:33.156300Z

Very good point. I remember that I struggled with that a few years back. I will try to screencast a demo of my workflow with vim + fireplace working on codebase that is built with shadow-cljs.

πŸ‘€ 1
emilaasa 2021-05-11T17:53:31.157400Z

Is it only clojurescript you're interested in?

Aron 2021-05-11T19:03:24.157700Z

No. πŸ™‚

emilaasa 2021-05-12T08:29:23.158Z

I had the same experience as you (still do to some extent) when starting out with Conjure. But I could maybe wrap together an article or screencast, would be good to do it for my own workflows sake as well

Aron 2021-05-12T08:59:05.158200Z

If you can do it and have the time to spare, I think it would help more people than just me. There are relatively few of these kinds of videos, or at least a few that I can find. There are quite a lot that talk about some aspect of vim, but those rarely show the whole experience.

Aron 2021-05-16T20:55:48.167600Z so I am watching this and trying to see what the keys are in vim sexp

Aron 2021-05-16T20:56:00.167900Z

progressing somewhat πŸ™‚

emilaasa 2021-05-16T21:12:10.168100Z

Looks pretty good, I learned them by :h vim-sexp and reading the source of tpopes remaps: - and then trying them out. Not the most efficent way to learn for sure..

emilaasa 2021-05-16T21:14:08.168500Z

emilaasa 2021-05-16T21:14:32.168900Z

I thought about just doing a few gifs like those and writing something useful around them

Aron 2021-05-16T21:50:17.169100Z

Yeah, a gif like that explains everything much faster than the docs. I am trying to figure out how to indent multiple lines and nothing works. One difficulty that is a constant block for me is that I am used to symmetric operations, e.g. how <e or >e are symmetric, but that seems not to be the way when it's about indents

Aron 2021-05-16T21:50:37.169300Z

== and -= both just do something that makes no sense to me

grazfather 2021-05-08T14:13:18.123Z

it is, just add one piece at a time

grazfather 2021-05-08T14:13:53.123100Z

you’d have to use ns-unmap

grazfather 2021-05-08T14:14:15.123300Z

or restart the repl

NoahTheDuke 2021-05-08T14:30:24.124200Z

Yeah I wanna avoid restarting the repl. Thanks, I’ll look into ns-unmapped

Aron 2021-05-08T23:34:49.124900Z

whenever anyone uses the word "just" when giving advice of any kind, it should be a red flag, that maybe it's not "just"

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Aron 2021-05-08T23:35:04.125100Z

"just" saying. been using vim since 2009. it was never just one thing, because to do anything useful, it had to do multiple things at once, and be useful in many ways at once.

Aron 2021-05-08T23:42:36.128600Z

Also, it's a wonderment to me when I ask for sharing an "integrated" experience, and I talk about "the whole", it can be taken as if the same could be achieved incrementally. How?