
Template-based web library [WIP] - https://github.com/green-coder/vrac Zulip archive: https://clojurians.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/180378-slack-archive/topic/vrac Clojureverse archive: https://clojurians-log.clojureverse.org/vrac

Today I decided to change the way I work, I am going to write down more about the process of developing Vrac.


Many things have changed since the last time I touched Vrac in february. • Minimallist now replaces Clojure Spec to describe the template’s model. • Diffuse was taken out of Vrac’s source code and improved, hopefully to be useful in Vrac at some point.


My roadmap for the next couple of months will be: • to have a new model of the template using Minimallist, and rethink the grammar from scratch. • to experiment again with the data access and data computation inside the template • to better document the bounderies of each Vrac’s component, how it fits with existing web libraries. • to get a fully working todolist sample app.


Vrac targets a data flow similar to Re-frame (dispatched events in the template, events are transformed into effects in event handlers), but implemented differently. • Effects on the database will be described using Diffuse, • Vrac will use “components” as a way to group together template, event handlers (whose implementation can be delegated to external functions if needed) and subscriptions. • Those components are treated as source of information. They are input of functions which outputs systems which will be used for running the web app.


Another goal of Vrac is to lessen the need to decide in advance where different parts of the application should run, in a client-server context.


o/ @yogthos

yogthos 2020-08-23T13:04:41.023Z



I am currently playing with an experiment, transforming a subset of Clojure (as data) used in the html template into a graph of data transformations.


I will get back once I get things working.


My brainstorming, today:

; Let's imagine that this is the local db.
(def global {:a 2
             :b 3
             :c 10
             :d 7})

(def calc-comp []
  (let [a (:a global)
        b (:b global)
        c (:c global)
        d (:d global)]
    [:div (+

;; Each node is created at a place where the function needs to read a value.
(def compute-nodes
  [; Direct data access
   {:id 'x1
    :inputs [[:data-path :a]]}
   {:id 'x2
    :inputs [[:data-path :b]]}
   {:id 'x3
    :inputs [[:data-path :c]]}
   {:id 'x4
    :inputs [[:data-path :d]]}

   ; Compute nodes
   {:id 'y1
    :inputs [[:node 'x1] [:node 'x2]]
    :fn +}
   {:id 'y2
    :inputs [[:node 'y1] [:node 'x3]]
    :fn *}
   {:id 'y3
    :inputs [[:node 'y2] [:node 'x4]]
    :fn +}
   ; not sure if it is the right thing to do, but we can include the html update
   ; in the transformation graph, for fun.
   {:id 'z1
    :inputs [[:html-path 0]]}
   ; the :div node will re-render its content when 'y3 has a new value
   {:id 'z2
    :inputs [[:node 'z1] [:node 'y3]]
    :fn update-html-content}])

; Scenario 1: value of c changes from 10 to 11
; - node 'x3 has changing input, recompute its output
; - node 'y2 has changing input, recompute its output
; - node 'y3 has changing input, recompute its output
; - node 'z2 has changing input, recompute its output
; Done, the html node has been updated.