
Template-based web library [WIP] - https://github.com/green-coder/vrac Zulip archive: https://clojurians.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/180378-slack-archive/topic/vrac Clojureverse archive: https://clojurians-log.clojureverse.org/vrac

This function alone is relatively useless, we need more information to use it properly in a bigger system : We need to say what it transforms, and into what. Pathom already have this pattern in its resolver descriptors, I will try to reuse it.


I am trying to see how to deal with (-> user :person/written-articles (get 0) :article/authors (get 0) :person/full-name) and being able to calculate the canonical path of the person’s name from user given as the input.


Some bits of ideas …

;; Entity description.
;; - It shows where to find an entity in the local db,
;; - It enumerate its fields, making them usable in the template.
{:type :entity/person
 :identifier :person/id
 :path-fn (fn [person] [:person/by-id (:person/id person)])
 :path [:person/by-id] ;; shorthand version of :path-fn
 :index {:person/email :person/by-email} ;; in the db: {:person/by-email {:person/email :person/id, ...}}
 :fields [:person/id

{:type :entity/article
 :identifier :article/id
 :path [:article/by-id]
 :fields [:article/id
          {:article/authors [:person/id]} ;; pathom style description


;; "virtual field" keyword, provided via Pathom resolvers.
;; This is a syntax sugar, just for the special case of a keyword. The general case is a function.
;; - It describes how to go from an entity to another one, by pretending that we just follow a key in a hash-map.
;; - The keywords in the output become usable inside the template.
;; - When we get to an entity, if it includes its identifier field(s), we know its path in the db from the entity's description.
;; - When we get to an entity's field, we know its relation to its entity, therefore its path in the db.
{:input #{:person/id}
 :output [{:person/written-articles :entity/article}] ;; :entity/article expends to the vector of its fields
 :transform person-id->written-articles}

{:input #{:person/first-name :person/last-name}
 :output [:person/full-name]
 :transform (fn [_ {:person/keys [first-name last-name]}]
              (str first-name " " last-name))}


I did not decide how to represent the “virtual field” and the functions which are usable in the template. I will see later. Maybe I should start implementing the parts which I am confident with first, and see later for what is missing. — End of today’s brainstorming.


@yogthos I am thinking about describing the syntax in Vrac’s template using Minimallist. Before I start, I would like to know if you think that the syntax is good enough or if it requires some changes.


I plan to support those following constructs: if, when, for, let, case, cond, ->, ->>, and destructurations.


Oh, and I am going to regroup all the brainstorming ideas into a coherent documentation. Without it, in 2 weeks I would forget everything.