
Template-based web library [WIP] - https://github.com/green-coder/vrac Zulip archive: https://clojurians.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/180378-slack-archive/topic/vrac Clojureverse archive: https://clojurians-log.clojureverse.org/vrac

Hi @smith.adriane. You can read this room’s historical content at https://clojurians.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/180378-slack-archive/topic/vrac

👋 1

Today, I am going to work on VracQL a little bit.

phronmophobic 2020-10-31T03:21:55.022500Z

yea, i’ll definitely check it out

phronmophobic 2020-10-31T06:52:02.030800Z

I've been experimenting with alternative ui paradigms and vrac seems really interesting in part because it seems very similar to the approach that I've been pursuing. basically, it's the same idea of tracing the usage of component/template properties via macros. I was curious to see how reactivity was handled to see if that was also similar. the way I've been handling reactivity is to have have the macro (`defui` in my case), translate any symbol with a "$" prefix to the keypath of that variable. I've been using specter for updating via keypath, but it seems like pathom would also work similarly. as a an example:

(defui my-component [ & {:keys [my-vector]}]
   (for [my-map my-vector]
     (let [v (:my-key my-map)]
        (fn [[mx my]]
          [[:do-something $v mx]])
        (ui/label v))))))
my-component would be a component that is a vertical stack of labels of the :my-key values of the maps in my-vector. when a label is clicked, it would dispatch an :do-something effect with the keypath of v with the x position of the mouse as an argument. $v is translated by the macro to the value [<path-to my-vector> (nth <index>) (keypath :my-key)] . not sure if that description makes any sense.


You might be interested my this tweet serie: https://twitter.com/VincentCantin/status/1321705697092857856


I also have plans to pass the locations of parameters in the events.

phronmophobic 2020-10-31T07:22:56.032500Z

yea, seems pretty similar (to me).

phronmophobic 2020-10-31T07:23:35.033100Z

is a reducer in vrac the same as an effect handler in re-frame?


The overall “domino” cycle described in the documentation of re-frame is the same, the implementation will be quite different.


The event handlers will have the possibility to return diffs https://github.com/green-coder/diffuse

phronmophobic 2020-10-31T07:36:35.035900Z

my goal with separating what from how is to not enforce any specific implementation. obviously, having a reasonable default is important, but if you have data model, you can allow the application developer to choose the implementation that's best suited


Things will be clearer once I reach the milestone.

phronmophobic 2020-10-31T07:41:04.037500Z

:thumbsup: . well, I'll follow along in the channel. thanks for withstanding my barrage of questions


I am designing Vrac as a framework where the user has all the systems in small pieces. They are made to be assembled together or to be replaced individually.


That’s the reason for Minimallist, Diffuse, VracQL, and Vrac.

phronmophobic 2020-10-31T07:44:49.040200Z

haha. from my docs: > While these three layers are made to work together, they can also be mixed and matched with other implementations. seems like we're maybe walking down similar paths


Still, getting to something that works is my first priority, so what people will get at the next milestone might not be what they want.

phronmophobic 2020-10-31T07:47:00.042700Z

if you're ever interested in having vrac work on desktop or in terminal, you may be interested in the graphics layer of membrane, https://github.com/phronmophobic/membrane

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First, I want it to work in the browser.

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phronmophobic 2020-10-31T07:47:39.043600Z

anyways, I'm excited to see what you come up with!


For the next milestone, my target is to have a realtime application which runs mostly server side.

phronmophobic 2020-10-31T07:50:21.044900Z

interesting. what's the reasoning for having it run mostly on the server rather than mostly on the client?


Reducing complexity for users and for me.


I want to have something that works, and this seems to be the most convenient “debut” for both the user and myself.

phronmophobic 2020-10-31T07:55:07.047600Z

I've always just assumed that splitting the logic requires adding a network layer which makes things more complicated, but I guess there are plenty of well known techniques for solving that issue