
Quiet in here? Check #calva-dev out :smiley:
WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T06:54:35.000188Z

Thanks for the reference

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T06:55:19.000295Z

We still have the inherent issue that there is no grammatical difference between a macro call and a function call.

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T06:58:06.000284Z

If you notice, there is no macro keyword in that cson.

pez 2018-05-11T09:04:35.000492Z

I noticed. That would be a bit hard to implement though? Custom macros, for instance. I wonder if it is possible to dynamically add to the grammar…

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T09:16:28.000156Z

So is it a known thing that intellisense isn't working for macros?

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T09:16:52.000072Z

A grammar based method will never work

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T09:34:47.000438Z

Referring to requiring a macro

pez 2018-05-11T09:40:25.000428Z

What do you mean intellisense not working?

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T09:40:49.000256Z

When typing out a macro to refer it won't show up

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T09:40:52.000122Z

Only functions do

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T09:41:37.000017Z

[compojure.core :refer [defrou

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T09:42:13.000168Z

defroutes doesn't show in the list

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T09:42:25.000304Z

or any other macro in that namespace

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T09:43:14.000462Z

Also joker just updated and linting seems to be broken now

pez 2018-05-11T09:43:42.000238Z

Care to report that issue to the repo? (About intellisense and macros).

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T09:43:49.000071Z


pez 2018-05-11T09:44:51.000120Z

The joker issue too, if you have the time. Hopefully that one is easy to fix.

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T09:45:55.000389Z

I don't know where the error is though

pez 2018-05-11T09:47:19.000355Z

Just that I am on commuting foot and would like to be reminded of this when I get home. So just a place holder.

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T09:51:48.000342Z

right, i'm just saying

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T09:54:51.000478Z

Oddly enough I don't see why the new Joker would break anything. There aren't any significant changes

pez 2018-05-11T09:55:58.000495Z

Too bad, might be a bit tricky to fix then.

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T10:00:29.000050Z

TypeError: Cannot read property 'getDocument' of undefined
	at Object.lintDocument$$module$calva$repl$middleware$lint [as lintDocument]

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T10:05:33.000163Z

I'm looking at the JS and I don't see what's wrong

pez 2018-05-11T10:06:22.000101Z

I wonder if it could even be due to the Joker update?

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T10:08:43.000364Z

May not

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T10:08:48.000517Z

That was a guess

pez 2018-05-11T10:15:49.000268Z

We will have a look. Hopefully not too hard to fix.

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T10:16:34.000310Z

Debugging is impossible since the dist js is minified garbage

pez 2018-05-11T10:17:51.000441Z

Debugging is a bit painful with the development code as well. Because we have started to port it to Clojurescript and the source maps don't quite cut it.

pez 2018-05-11T10:19:32.000303Z

But please feel invited to fork and see if it gets clearer. If you do you need to Run Build Task... after npm install.

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T10:21:15.000040Z

I'm looking at the code, but I have never written or know how VSCode extensions work

pez 2018-05-11T10:24:33.000385Z

Calva was my first experience with it, so I am no expert. But they (the vscode team) has made it reasonable easy. When the build task is running, press F5 and it will launch a new window (called the Extension Host) with the dev extension active

pez 2018-05-11T10:25:08.000291Z

Before we started to port things to Clojurescript it was easy to put breakpoints and debug things.

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T10:30:41.000458Z

My VSCode was a version behind so seeing if that helps

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-11T10:36:01.000349Z

Didn't change anything as expected