
Quiet in here? Check #calva-dev out :smiley:
WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-12T02:23:24.000074Z

In the process of fixing the linting. It seems to be fixed in my fork. The issue was the improper use of imports.

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-12T02:24:01.000032Z

That being said the nrepl functionality is also broken (in current release). This likely has to do with it being converted to CLJS

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-12T02:25:03.000047Z

This being a prime reason why porting should be done in a separate branch and not released until it is complete

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-12T02:27:30.000099Z

One thing I'm seeing in the developer tools is that it is trying to start figwheel when the project isn't cljs

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-12T02:36:41.000065Z

So the nrepl functionality is partially working. It fails to work when there is invalid code in the file. For instance add (defn [] "") and the nrepl features stop working

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-12T03:24:17.000105Z

The recent commit for changing nrepl.js to nrepl.cljs is not working

WhoNeedszZz 2018-05-12T03:24:32.000104Z

Failing to decode

pez 2018-05-12T07:09:00.000061Z

Can you tell us how to reproduce the error with nrepl.cljs? It seems to work for everything I am trying to make it do.

pez 2018-05-12T09:34:52.000094Z

@whoneedszzz: Good spotting of the fiwgeheel always thing. I created an issue for it. Please chime in on the discussion there: https://github.com/BetterThanTomorrow/calva/issues/38