
Quiet in here? Check #calva-dev out :smiley:
mseddon 2018-11-09T12:47:57.001200Z

I am having a terrible time trying to setup vscode for clojure 😞

mseddon 2018-11-09T12:49:11.002800Z

I have Calva installed, but the formatting is all over the place. I've tried also installing parinfer, which seems to work without Calva, but the two seem to have an enormous fight all over my buffer and I just cannot get indentation to work sanely. Does anyone have any advice?

pez 2018-11-09T16:13:52.005300Z

Calva and parinfer do not play well together. Is the formatting crazy without parinfer?

mseddon 2018-11-09T18:53:48.006800Z

Yeah, parinfer disabled

mseddon 2018-11-09T18:55:23.006900Z

So e.g. new file, newline on my first comment failed horribly, single space indent in defn, then at the end of the definition, it maintains the indent in the body of the defn. πŸ˜•

mseddon 2018-11-09T18:56:41.007600Z

the same thing happens with or without calva paredit mode enabled.

pez 2018-11-09T20:02:08.008100Z

Full disclosure: I am the Calva developer.

pez 2018-11-09T20:03:20.009500Z

It pains me that you have a terrible experience with Clojure in VS Code. It is sort of the mission I have put myself on to make it a non-terrible experience.

pez 2018-11-09T20:06:33.010900Z

However, I don’t get those results trying what you are trying. I need to know more about your setup.

pez 2018-11-09T20:13:41.012200Z

Well, actually I can reproduce the last thing you point out in that gif. Right now checking if it is something I have introduced recently.

mseddon 2018-11-09T21:38:38.012800Z

πŸ™‚ I have been spying on you on github, and I am certain this is a temporary issue. Thanks for checking it out πŸ™‚

mseddon 2018-11-09T21:40:55.014900Z

currently moving back to emacs, but since I am an old school sbcl hacker it's not the end of the world. However, moving forward I don't want to force everyone to use emacs since it's rather an.. acquired taste. Happy to help track these ones down, feel free to PM me, and if you want to open an issue on the project to track the discussion that's fine too.

πŸ‘ 1
mseddon 2018-11-09T21:41:52.015200Z

Let's move this to #calva-dev.