
Quiet in here? Check #calva-dev out :smiley:
michaels 2019-01-08T23:30:53.001700Z

Hey folks. I’m trying to get back into clojure after some time away. Before I was using VS Code with Parinfer and the Aundrey Lisin nrepl. It looks like the latter is up to date, but when I try to “eval and print the result” it gives me a

Exception in thread "nREPL-worker-0" java.lang.ClassCastException: nrepl.transport.FnTransport cannot be cast to clojure.tools.nrepl.transport.Transport
	at cider.nrepl.middleware.track_state$make_transport$reify__6798.send(track_state.clj:186)

michaels 2019-01-08T23:30:57.001900Z

Anyone else had to debug this?

mattly 2019-01-08T23:40:44.002600Z

there's been a lot of changes to things with nrepl recently, and I think calva is the only plugin that's really up-to-date

michaels 2019-01-08T23:46:01.002900Z

That makes sense. I’ll look into that. Do I still want parinfer with it?

michaels 2019-01-08T23:46:53.003300Z

And it’s named for Calvados! I lived in that region for a while. 🇫🇷 ❤️

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