Is there a way to change namespace name? Some kind of helper which will chan the name in all files?
I miss small helpers which are in Cursive like for example when writing namespace names
I can’t jump to definition of things like s/keys
well at that point red light turn on in my head it could be better to stay with Cursive
it is my honest opinion
But still i really can’t wait to change editor to VSC
What are you trying to jump from?
I think the point is: Cursive is not free while Calva is. I mean you can still use Cursive and not pay for that, but it is breaking license probably.
So the author can invest more time and energy into Cursive
(ns warehouse.api.specs.warehouses
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[warehouse.api.specs.common :as c]))
I wanted to jump to s/keys
About namespaces. Currently Calva only completes namespaces that have been loaded. But recently @slack1038 showed me something that could allow us to complete “known” namespaces.
AFAIK you are doing this for free right?
Yes, but it is also that Cursive has been around much longer.
And right now Calva is actually funded by Clojurists Together.
Did you try to get money for the project?
Well probably I can’t help too much with this. Only vote +1 for your project 🙂
not sure how Clojurists Together work
I can jump to s/keys.
ah I see
A difference between Cursive and Calva is that Cursive has the power of static analysis. Calva needs the files to be evaluated.
hmm it doesn’t work for me
what can I misss?
PS It is example code which doesn’t have too much sense. For editor testing.
This project is in deps.edn
if it make any difference
Can you make a public repo with the example? Then I can test.
deps.edn shouldn’t make a difference.
I can’t even jump to definition of namespaces. Like warehouse.api.specs.common
Does the file evaluate correctly?
I sent it to you on DM
I have no errors so far
I will check in Cursive to be sure
oh, ok there is an error, but it not appear in Calva
What happens if you evaluate the file?
ok it was about missing test
but I turned it on when running Calva REPL
not really sure why it doesn’t work
It needed org.clojure/test.check