
Quiet in here? Check #calva-dev out :smiley:
kwladyka 2019-09-08T09:59:45.013200Z

Is there a way to change namespace name? Some kind of helper which will chan the name in all files?

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:03:54.013300Z

I miss small helpers which are in Cursive like for example when writing namespace names

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:04:50.013600Z

I can’t jump to definition of things like s/keys

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:05:42.014700Z

well at that point red light turn on in my head it could be better to stay with Cursive

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:05:52.015Z

it is my honest opinion

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:06:08.015400Z

But still i really can’t wait to change editor to VSC

pez 2019-09-08T10:07:03.016600Z

What are you trying to jump from?

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:07:11.016800Z

I think the point is: Cursive is not free while Calva is. I mean you can still use Cursive and not pay for that, but it is breaking license probably.

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:07:26.017400Z

So the author can invest more time and energy into Cursive

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:08:23.018700Z

(ns warehouse.api.specs.warehouses
  (:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
            [warehouse.api.specs.common :as c]))
I wanted to jump to s/keys

pez 2019-09-08T10:08:37.019Z

About namespaces. Currently Calva only completes namespaces that have been loaded. But recently @slack1038 showed me something that could allow us to complete “known” namespaces.

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:09:30.019700Z

AFAIK you are doing this for free right?

pez 2019-09-08T10:09:54.020100Z

Yes, but it is also that Cursive has been around much longer.

pez 2019-09-08T10:10:44.021200Z

And right now Calva is actually funded by Clojurists Together.

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:10:55.021500Z

Did you try to get money for the project?

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:11:37.021900Z

Well probably I can’t help too much with this. Only vote +1 for your project 🙂

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:13:38.022400Z

not sure how Clojurists Together work

pez 2019-09-08T10:16:32.022700Z

I can jump to s/keys.

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:16:40.022900Z


kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:17:17.023800Z

ah I see

pez 2019-09-08T10:17:20.023900Z

A difference between Cursive and Calva is that Cursive has the power of static analysis. Calva needs the files to be evaluated.

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:18:26.024100Z

hmm it doesn’t work for me

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:18:30.024300Z

what can I misss?

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:19:27.024400Z

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:20:21.025200Z

PS It is example code which doesn’t have too much sense. For editor testing.

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:22:17.025400Z

This project is in deps.edn

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:22:23.025600Z

if it make any difference

pez 2019-09-08T10:25:41.026300Z

Can you make a public repo with the example? Then I can test.

pez 2019-09-08T10:25:53.026700Z

deps.edn shouldn’t make a difference.

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:27:47.027300Z

I can’t even jump to definition of namespaces. Like warehouse.api.specs.common

pez 2019-09-08T10:29:02.027600Z

Does the file evaluate correctly?

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:29:07.027800Z

I sent it to you on DM

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:29:24.028Z

I have no errors so far

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:29:45.028300Z

I will check in Cursive to be sure

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:30:30.028700Z

oh, ok there is an error, but it not appear in Calva

pez 2019-09-08T10:30:44.029Z

What happens if you evaluate the file?

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:33:44.029300Z

ok it was about missing test alias

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:33:55.029600Z

but I turned it on when running Calva REPL

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:34:01.029800Z

not really sure why it doesn’t work

kwladyka 2019-09-08T10:35:00.030200Z

It needed org.clojure/test.check