@ivana i updated @pedrorgirardi’s cljfmt vscode extension in a fork: https://github.com/sogaiu/vscode-cljfmt/tree/update-deps i added a .vsix to the repository for convenience but you can build a .vsix yourself if you wish:
npm install
npm run vsix
after installation (e.g. via "Install from VSIX..." menu item in extensions screen) usage is:
* select text
* invoke "Format Document" command (perhaps via command palette)
the shortcut key in my environment is ctrl-shift-i (seems like a conflict with toggle developer tools, but it works here)@sogaiu thanks alot, I'l try it soon!
Unfortunately didnt find vsix file in your fork, and can not build it myself:
$ npm run vsix
npm ERR! Linux 5.4.0-66-generic
npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/node" "/usr/bin/npm" "run" "vsix"
npm ERR! node v8.10.0
npm ERR! npm v3.5.2
npm ERR! missing script: vsix
Its a pity, but I cant try this formatter cause of problems above
Found vsix in project, but again on trying install from vsix
Corrupt ZIP: end of central directory record signature not found