

there is no bidi channel but i figured you yada experts might know: is there a way possible to enumerate all paths, given a bidi route definition?

dominicm 2017-11-09T09:25:40.000294Z


malcolmsparks 2017-11-09T09:25:41.000029Z

Yes. bidi.bidi/route-seq


exactly what i need, thanks!

stijn 2017-11-09T14:09:28.000581Z

is there a way of making yada accept "application/json; charset=utf-8"?

stijn 2017-11-09T14:10:02.000217Z

I know it is a problem on the client, but the workaround for React Native on Android especially with expo.js is kind of involved

tanzoniteblack 2017-11-09T19:16:30.000077Z

@stijn if your goal is to make a call like curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8' '<http://localhost:3000/somecall>' work, and you are able to currently have one like curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' '<http://localhost:3000/somecall>' work successfully, you can just add "application/json; charset=utf-8" to the :produces set of your resource

tanzoniteblack 2017-11-09T19:17:19.000345Z

there might be a better way to do it...but that definitely works for me, at least

tanzoniteblack 2017-11-09T19:17:32.000008Z

(and still has the result return JSON, encoded in utf-8)