

Trying to make a websocket route with bidi/yada/sente. Has anyone made sente/yada work together?


I'm looking for an example of uploading multiple files via a form to a yada resource and to have that work with the swagger-ui. Does anybody know of any examples in that direction?

malcolmsparks 2018-02-13T16:50:34.000021Z

Look at the update contact code in the phone book app in Edge. It uses formdata/multipart

malcolmsparks 2018-02-13T18:16:53.000631Z

Exceptions struggle to get automatically encoded to JSON. There are often encoding errors. But it's possible to override the exception interceptor chain in this case

vijayakkineni 2018-02-13T18:20:32.000121Z

so basically modify default-error-interceptor-chain and pass custom implementation for yada.interceptors/create-response ?

malcolmsparks 2018-02-13T18:28:43.000280Z


malcolmsparks 2018-02-13T18:30:00.000527Z

On an error, the content type is renegotiated. If you really must pass back errors as JSON be careful. You could catch the exception in your response function and return your own JSON.

malcolmsparks 2018-02-13T18:31:08.000044Z

But the yada default behaviour if there is an exception in the chain is to renegotiate the representation and serialize the error back to the client

vijayakkineni 2018-02-13T18:36:51.000705Z

got it, thank you