I am having a problem related to some weird dependency issue and yada. I am getting a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: manifold.stream.core.IEventSource, compiling:(yada/resource.clj:1:1) when using yada.resources.classpath-resource. No other dependency in my tree is pulling in manifold but it stops me for AOT’ing and then if I uberjar the project with a Java main (no AOT of Clojure code) I get the same error when I run the project from the JAR. Long shot I know but I am really stuck on this one.
What version of yada?
I ask because we upgraded the manifold dependencies in the last version.
[yada “1.2.11”]
Can you replicate with 1.2.10?
no sure, will let you know
seems to be something to do with load order
that seems to fix it, as long as I require yada.yada
before yada.resources.classpath-resource
in the namespace it works.