Has anyone been playing with yada and github hooks already?
I am not able to compute the hmac
as described here https://developer.github.com/webhooks/securing/
I don’t know if my method of getting the body is correct. I tried:
- json/stringify
the body parsed by yada it doesn’t seem to work
- making an interceptor to get the raw bytes
{:consumes consumes
:produces produces
:response hook-handler}}}))
yada.interceptors/process-request-body (fn [ctx]
(if-let [gh-sig (get-in ctx [:request :headers "x-hub-signature"])]
(let [raw-body (manifold.stream/take! (:body (:request ctx)))]
;; will need to put! it back?
(let [body @raw-body
ba (byte-array (.readableBytes body))
by (.getBytes (.retainedDuplicate @raw-body) 0 ba)]
(println (hmac
So maybe my attempts at computing the sha1 are wrong?
I’ve been trying from these sources (it seems to be working with compojure) :
- https://gist.github.com/ska2342/4567b02531ff611db6a1208ebd4316e6
- https://clojurians-log.clojureverse.org/ring/2016-07-24
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31729163/clojure-or-java-equivalent-to-rubys-hmac-hexdigest
So.. anyone already played with Yada and github hooks?Don't have any specific experience there, but you'll want to be careful about ordering of the keys in the JSON payload
If they are parsed by Yada into a Clojure data structure and then converted back then you may not get the same order
But that's not really what you're doing there
@nha I think you need to be calculating the HMAC based on the bytes that GitHub is giving you and the secret key that you've set
And then you do a secure compare to compare that with X-Hub-Signature
You're calculating a HMAC using the X-Hub-Signature, which won't give you what you want