

I was able to make the websocket part of sente work with yada + bidi @clojure475 However for some reason I couldn’t make the ajax part of sente work and had to use compojure too. It may have changed since.

["/chsk" (-> (compojure.core/routes
               (GET  "/chsk" req ajax-get-or-ws-handshake-fn)
               (POST "/chsk" req ajax-post-fn))

Jeremy 2018-07-25T02:24:36.000004Z

Interesting, thanks for trying @nha! It's quite appealing not to need the two extra dependencies (sente, compojure) though. I'll let you know how I go with aleph websocket on the server + goog.net.Websocket (via <http://clojure.browser.net|clojure.browser.net>) on the client


First time I hear of goog.net.Websocket - could be interesting indeed. Do you know if it works on nodejs too?