
agigao 2018-08-19T12:45:24.000100Z

Hello Clojurians, I’ve read a few articles about Yada, also received a guidance and recommendations by Ray, but somehow I’m unable to follow the manual.

agigao 2018-08-19T12:45:54.000100Z


agigao 2018-08-19T12:46:29.000100Z

1 - cloned edge and ran boot dev (inside edge dir) and I receive the following error:

giga@ubuntu:~/edge/app$ boot dev
                              java.lang.Thread.run              Thread.java:  748
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run  ThreadPoolExecutor.java:  624
 java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker  ThreadPoolExecutor.java: 1149
               java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run          FutureTask.java:  266
               clojure.core/binding-conveyor-fn/fn                 core.clj: 2022
                                 boot.core/boot/fn                 core.clj: 1032
                         boot.core/construct-tasks                 core.clj:  986
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No such task (dev)
        clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: No such task (dev)
    line: 3

agigao 2018-08-19T12:47:31.000100Z


#Sun Aug 19 02:23:39 PDT 2018

agigao 2018-08-19T12:51:20.000100Z

Tried on mac then tried on Ubuntu in VM, result is all the same.

malcolmsparks 2018-08-19T12:53:56.000100Z

Edge has moved to clj and deps.edn. Check the app/README.adoc file. Does that help?

agigao 2018-08-19T13:02:38.000100Z

Ouch, just a moment

agigao 2018-08-19T13:02:42.000100Z

I followed the manual.

agigao 2018-08-19T13:15:06.000100Z

All works now! But I have question regarding (reset) - why not instant reload on each save?

agigao 2018-08-19T13:15:45.000100Z

What’s the idea? It kind of takes away convenience of REPL at the first glance…

malcolmsparks 2018-08-19T13:55:52.000100Z

There is instant reload via save in some cases, such as sass/css and cljs. But reset has continually been considered a deliberate action, because you are often editing multiple files between resets. The original Stuart Sierra blog on reloaded workflow probably provides a better rationale for this. In practice it feels like the right balance, as long as you can make a reset easy to trigger via your dev environment.

agigao 2018-08-19T15:49:13.000100Z

All right, thanks Malcolm. Another question: what is a state of Yada Manual? How relevant is it to the latest releases?

malcolmsparks 2018-08-19T15:49:52.000100Z

It's pretty reliable and accurate for what is there.

malcolmsparks 2018-08-19T15:50:51.000100Z

The bit about Edge is out of date as you've seen.

agigao 2018-08-19T15:52:37.000100Z

Okay, thanks a lot! I’m building a trivial API with a few routes, and this is my first Clojure product ought to be deployed into production.

malcolmsparks 2018-08-19T16:30:27.000100Z

Good for you. Edge should prove a sound foundation.