Is Yada supposed to stop the execution of a function when the request is cancelled? I notice that some long running requests timeout in the browser, but continue to be executed on the server.
Cancellation during the response creation is not automatic. It's possible with manifold with adding a on-closed handler.
Ok, thanks!
Is edge
broken at the moment?
➜ edge git:(master) ✗ cd main && ./bin/repl
[Edge] Starting development environment, please wait...
Error building classpath. Manifest type not detected when finding deps for juxt/kick.alpha in coordinate #:local{:root "../../kick.alpha"}
hm ->
Yes. Will fix
Cool, no hurry. FYI cloning (e8665b991fb69245eb97f2fd5acf6aec77bc05f7 - latest master) results in
[Edge] Starting development environment, please wait...
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at clojure.main.<clinit>(
Caused by: Could not locate cemerick/piggieback__init.class or cemerick/piggieback.clj on classpath., compiling:(nrepl.clj:1:1)
on my machine@nha fixed the kick link
I get the same cemerick
error as above - could be something missing from my setup?
(I never used deps.edn yet)
well I can did around - no hurries around this at all
com.cemerick/piggieback should provide that ns. I can reproduce that though.
oh, I see the problem. Easily fixed.
Annoying to have to.
@nha e38da2801755d652a861c48e637f898d7e191a09 should work
works for me 🙂 thanks