
grav 2018-11-10T14:48:12.057200Z

How come yada/response-for is only used for tests, and not the implementation itself?

grav 2018-11-10T14:49:57.058800Z

Reason I’m asking is that I’m testing a cljs-implementation of (very small parts of) yada, and I’m seeing small differences when testing against a running instance of yada/aleph and response-for.

grav 2018-11-10T14:57:10.060Z

Differences being {:body ""} vs {:body nil} and json vs edn output when requesting with accept: application/json

malcolmsparks 2018-11-10T14:58:36.061200Z

Hmm. That's a bug. The response-for should run the whole chain so shouldn't be differences.

grav 2018-11-10T15:08:06.061700Z


grav 2018-11-10T15:12:10.062600Z

Also seing a 406 from the server and a 200 from response-for when sending a non-acceptable accept header