
grav 2018-11-16T21:16:53.088300Z

Trying to get cookie auth working, but I’m getting a schema error. I can reproduce it by this minimal expression:

            {:scheme        :cookie
             :cookie        "session"
             :verify (fn [cookie])}})
ExceptionInfo Cannot turn resource-model into resource, because it doesn't conform to a resource-model schema  clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4739)
(removing :cookie "session" makes it validate)

grav 2018-11-16T21:17:40.089200Z

If I look at https://github.com/juxt/yada/blob/master/src/yada/security.clj#L22 it also seems something regarding cookies has been commented out. So I guess the status is that it’s not implemented anymore?

grav 2018-11-16T21:17:57.089800Z

(it’s still referred in the docs though)

dominicm 2018-11-16T21:41:31.090400Z

We use it I think, maybe. I'll have to check.

👍 1