^ Thank you for that.
ok, so how can I help?
this is my research code:
(defn build-resource [model]
(-> (merge {} #_{:show-stack-traces? false} model)
(def not-found
(-> (yada/as-resource nil)
(def authentication
{:id :authentication
:consumes #{"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" "application/edn" "application/json"}
; :access-control
:methods {:post {:produces "application/json"
:parameters {:form {:email String
:password String}}
:response (fn [{:keys [parameters] :as ctx}]
(get-in parameters [:parameters :form :query])
(println "ctx" (pr-str ctx))
;(println (pr-str body))
(println "parameters" (pr-str parameters))
;(println (pr-str form))
(let [{:keys [email password]} (:body parameters)]
{:token "foo"
:email email
:password password}))}}}))
(def graphql
{:id :graphql
:access-control {:realms {"session" {:authentication-schemes [{:scheme :cookie
:verify (fn [cookie]
(println "auth cookie" cookie)
{:a 1})}]
:authorization {:validate (fn [ctx creds]
(println "creds" creds)
:produces #{"application/json" "application/edn"}
:methods {:post {:consumes #{"application/json" "application/graphql"}
:parameters {:body s/Any}
:response (fn [{:keys [authentication authorization body cookies] :as ctx}]
(println "ctx" ctx)
(println "cookies" cookies)
(println "authentication" authentication)
(println "authorization" authorization)
;(println "body" body)
;(println "request" (:request ctx))
(let [query (get-in ctx [:parameters :form :query])]
{:token "foo"
:query query}))}}}))
it should help to start
this is how I test:
(defmacro with-server [handler build-url & body]
`(let [listener# (yada/listener ~handler)
close# (:close listener#)
port# (:port listener#)
~build-url (fn [path#]
(str "<http://localhost:>" port# path#))]
(deftest graphql-test
(with-server core/handler build-url
(testing "Graphql"
(is (= 405 (-> @(http/request
{:url (build-url "/graphql")
:method :get})
"GET is not allowed.")
(is (= 401 (-> @(http/request
{:url (build-url "/graphql")
:headers {"Content-Type" "application/json"}
:method :post
:body "{\"email\":\"<mailto:foo@example.com|foo@example.com>\",\"password\":\"qwaszx\"}"})
"Not authorized")
#_(is (= 200 (-> @(http/request
{:url (build-url "/graphql")
:headers {"Content-Type" "application/json"}
:method :post
:params {:query "{ game_by_id(id: \"1237\") { name designers { name }}}"}})
"Authentication by session")
(is (= 200 (-> @(http/request
{:url (build-url "/graphql")
:headers {"Content-Type" "application/json"
"Authorization" "bearer 89abddfb-2cff-4fda-83e6-13221f0c3d4f"}
:method :post
:body "{\"email\":\"<mailto:foo@example.com|foo@example.com>\",\"password\":\"qwaszx\"}"})
"Authentication by token"))))
I converged to something very similar yesterday. No graphql though.
Also, I tried to get juxt/edge working but couldn't
Is the documentation up to date?
It is totally not up to date 🙂
The worst part about yada is documentation
If you want to figure out something read tests in git repository
That explains a couple of things
https://github.com/juxt/yada/search?q=defmethod+verify&unscoped_q=defmethod+verify how to write authentication code
you use it with :authentication-schemes
but I didn’t finish this yet
BTW :cookies
auth from doc is not up to date, it doesn’t work. There is even not code for that in yada repo.
@jaihindh.reddy the edge documentation is up to date, is that what you had issues with?
@dominicm It felt like that to me because Adapting Edge for new projects comes after Dev guide in the documentation. My bad. Too much coffee.
@jaihindh.reddy I'll take that feedback on! It's quite difficult to figure out the structuring for this stuff. Thank you!
Also, s/discreet/discrete/g
on https://juxt.pro/edge/docs/why-edge.html
Thanks, will try do this now
Actually, will have to wait. Making note now though.
https://github.com/juxt/yada/blob/master/ext/oauth2/src/yada/oauth.clj - I think this code is not up to date, especially {cookie "session"}
. There is no way to set different cookie name. Probably doesn’t matter but can be confused.
this is confuse too, because there is no such ns
oh the file was last modified in 2017
Should I consider using oauth2 from yada?
How do you use oauth2 in yada?