
OliverM 2019-06-08T19:26:03.004100Z

How do I save a file uploaded via POST and multipart/form-data? For example, the following resource reports an error:

            {:methods {:post {:consumes  "multipart/form-data"
                              :parameters {:form {:photo java.io.File}}
                              (fn [ctx]
                                (let [photo (-> ctx :parameters :form :photo)]
                                  (->> "photo.jpg"
                                    (io/file "resources" "passengers")
                                    (io/copy photo))))}}})
The error is:
Bad form fields

{:status 400,
 {:photo (not (instance? java.io.File a-yada.multipart.DefaultPart))}}
io is an alias for <http://clojure.java.io|clojure.java.io>; I tried a similar implementation with an io/writer inside a with-open clause but got No matching method found: write for class java.io.BufferedWriter errors, so tried io/copy instead to see what that would show up. How do I use the multipart data? I see there’s a process-request-body method implementation for multi-part bodies in yada.multipart but I’ve no idea how to invoke it (or why isn’t it being invoked on my behalf by yada when it sees the content type?)

OliverM 2019-06-09T13:15:28.004900Z

Setting the content-type to application/octet-stream instead works fine, but it’d be great to know what I was doing wrong with the mulitpart/form-data content-type payload (if only so I can POST forms that include photos or other binary payloads in the future)

OliverM 2019-06-08T20:03:17.004400Z

If I follow an example I found and implement a :consumer entry on the resource, the file of the correct size is created, but it’s not parseable as an image (I’m uploading a jpg and giving it that file extension):

:consumer (fn [ctx _ body-stream]
                                          (let [file (io/file "resources" "passengers" "photo.jpg"))]
                                            (yada.consume/save-to-file ctx body-stream file)))