
mikepjb 2019-08-30T21:55:08.001100Z

Has anyone used Prometheus to collect stats on a yada based webserver?

mikepjb 2019-08-30T21:56:31.002500Z

I've been looking at iapetos (which seems to be the way to go but it has a ring collector only) (also I'm not tied to Prometheus if there's a stats gathering service that works better with yada, open to suggestions there too!)

mikepjb 2019-08-30T22:14:49.003400Z

Using the iapetos.export namespace to create a bidi entry like so:

["/metrics" (yada/resource
                       {:produces "text/plain"
                        :response (export/text-format registry)}}})]
works like a charm 🦜