Hello, I have a question. I am trying to set up a server that can receive and process multipart messages. My attempt is with aleph with yada resources. But I have difficulties in processing the manifold.stream in the response. Do you have some tips and tricks? I am trying to use parse-multipart in this way:
(yada/resource {:methods
{:post {:consumes "multipart/form-data"
:produces "application/json"
:response (fn [ctx]
(let [boundary (last (clojure.string/split (get-in ctx [:request :headers "content-type"]) #"="))]
(try (->> (get-in ctx [:request :body])
(yada.multipart/parse-multipart boundary 10000 1000)
(manifold.stream/transform (xf-bytes->content))
(catch Exception e
(println (.getMessage e)))))
(clojure.data.json/write-str {:success true}))}}})]
{:port 1234
:raw-stream? true
:executor (flow/utilization-executor 0.9 64)})