
dominicm 2021-04-17T09:06:26.020700Z

@borkdude I'm using the datadog apm which integrates with netty and handles all of this :D

borkdude 2021-04-17T09:08:10.021Z

@dominicm Cool. Can it be used for free without datadog?

borkdude 2021-04-17T09:08:18.021200Z

We are using our own kibana thing

dominicm 2021-04-17T09:09:57.021300Z

@borkdude afaik, it's coupled to datadog.


@borkdude we use elastic apm with yada, by yada.walk/update-routes and update each response by wrapping it in an anonymous function that starts the apm transaction and then invokes/returns the response within the transaction scope

borkdude 2021-04-17T10:16:06.023400Z

@ernestas Does this work correctly with async processing / aleph deferreds?

wagjo 2021-04-17T10:18:54.025100Z

We (I work with @borkdude) tried to use interceptors for managing APM transactions and spans, but as the active spans are tied to a specific thread this wasn't very straightforward

wagjo 2021-04-17T10:21:13.026400Z

So now we start/stop transactions with interceptors but we activate them inside the actual request handler

wagjo 2021-04-17T10:23:04.027600Z

It's still suboptimal, mostly due to the async/deferreds responses


Not sure. I don't think we return async at the top level.